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萩原 牧
3年勤務した後「GINZA KOMATSU」(日本初のPRADA SHOP、アルマーニ、クリッツィアなどを扱った大型小売店)、「近文商事」(LANVIN、BASILE、他ヨーロッパブランドの衣料、関連商品の輸入、卸、小売りを行う専業商社)にて、PR&コミュニケーションの業務に携わる。
「vanessabruno(PARIS)」「CynthiaRowley(NY)」「MANGO(SPAIN)」「MORGAN(PARIS)」「ERISA(NY)」「SharonWauchob(PARIS)」をはじめとしたインポートブランドの、日本国内におけるPR活動、本国でのコレクション開催時のPRに携わる。東京コレクションブランド「IO SONO IO(TOKYO)」では、ブランドディレクターとして活動。
2006年MILANO COLLECTIONで高い評価を得る「giulianoFujiwara」のブランドディレクターに就任。日本国内における企画、PR、生産、セールス、ショップ運営など、ブランドに関する全ての現場責任者として携わる。
Maki Hagiwara
Worked at the company that is advertising agency of fashion “Hutabatsuushinsha” taking charge of public relation department. After three year working, changed the company “GINZA KOMSTSU”. This company is big retail store that handles the first PRADA, ARMANI,KRIZIA and so on. And then, worked “Kinbun Shouji” that is firm import, wholesale and retail European brand LANVIN, BASILE and so on as also a PR.
And then, started working as a freelance PR director. Main job was doing public relations in Japan for import brands, “vanessabruno(PARIS)”, “CynthiaRowley(NY)”, “MANGO(SPAIN)”, “MORGAN(PARIS)”,
”ERISA(NY)”, “SharonWauchob(PARIS)”. Worked also Tokyo Collection brand “IO SONO IO(TOKYO)” as a brand director. At same time, planed and managed the fashion show and launch party of new brand in Japan as a PR director.
Installed as a brand director of “giuliano Fujiwara” that is Milano Collection brand in 2006.
Worked as a person in charge of all sections that is design, PR, production, sales and shop management for Japanese market.